Computer techniques

Scripts and tips

DLNA on Nas Synology: better quality for cover image

Various tips

The 'Multimedia Server' application present on the Synology NAS allows you to send a DLNA stream to the applications, in order to quickly browse the media files of the NAS (audio, images and video). For audio and...

WinSCP: faster SSH downloads


By using WinSCP, it is possible to download files from a server to its workstation more quickly, by first compressing them directly on the server. This functionality is available through scripts integrated into the...

Talend: what does "Component variable are used in the copied elements" mean?


On Talend Studio, you may get the message "Component variables are used in copied elements, do you want to rename them automatically?" when copying and pasting components. What does this message actually mean? The...

Linux command line: configure the 'Page up' key to auto-complete from the command history


On Ubuntu, here is a script that allows you to use the auto-completion of your command line from data already entered previously (therefore present in the history), by using the Page Up key. This functionality is...

Linux command line special characters


There are some Linux command line special characters that are not self-explanatory at first glance. It is important to understand them because these are key elements in handling the input and output of commands. In...

Bash scripting memo


A memo on useful commands to create a bash script.

Talend : bind variables in SQL query


Problem exposed. On Talend, there is no SQL component allowing to make a select query prepared with the binding of variables, as on dBeaver. It would indeed be interesting to be able to make a request as below, by...

Number of opened/openable files on Linux


On Linux as on Windows, there are thresholds fixing the number of files open simultaneously per process and for the whole system. Here are some commands to display them.

Allow geolocation in HTTP


If you develop a website locally, you do not necessarily use an SSL certificate. Unfortunately, this blocks certain features, such as geolocation. Here's how to work around the problem.

Talend: fix "Plugin X or one of its dependencies could not be resolved"


On Talend, you can have the following exception: "An error occurred (java.lang.Exception: [ERROR] Plugin X or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Cannot access central (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/) in...

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