Computer techniques


Talend: what does "Component variable are used in the copied elements" mean?


On Talend Studio, you may get the message "Component variables are used in copied elements, do you want to rename them automatically?" when copying and pasting components. What does this message actually mean? The...

Talend : bind variables in SQL query


Problem exposed. On Talend, there is no SQL component allowing to make a select query prepared with the binding of variables, as on dBeaver. It would indeed be interesting to be able to make a request as below, by...

Talend: fix "Plugin X or one of its dependencies could not be resolved"


On Talend, you can have the following exception: "An error occurred (java.lang.Exception: [ERROR] Plugin X or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Cannot access central (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/) in...

Talend: avoid modifying context variables during a job


On Talend software, on a job, it's possible to assign the value of a context variable, via a tJava, by writing for example: context.myVariable="abc";There is no error and most of the time it goes very well. Except...

Fix Talend when it's not using the right execution context


It may happen that Talend Open Studio does not use the correct execution context. Typically, you run it on the pre-production context, and the variables it uses are NULL or unexpected values. This can cause for...

Using multi-threading on Talend


Threads are a way of distributing the processing load over several calculation units. Talend offers the possibility of launching multi-threaded sub-jobs, in order to parallelize the executions. Here is a proposal...

Tips on Talend


Some techniques and code snippets that can help on Talend projects.

Fix error "Could not find or load main class" on Talend


On Talend, if you have the following error when starting a job "Could not find or load main class", you can try the following workaround to unblock the problem : Open the .log file in workspace\metadata de Talend...

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