Computer techniques

Fix Talend when it's not using the right execution context


It may happen that Talend Open Studio does not use the correct execution context.

Typically, you run it on the pre-production context, and the variables it uses are NULL or unexpected values. This can cause for example the following errors :

  • org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.JAXRSClientFactoryBean createWebClient
  • GRAVE: java.lang.NullPointerException : null
  • org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.client.JAXRSClientFactoryBean.createWebClient(JAXRSClientFactoryBean.java:234)
  • Exception in component tRestClient_1

While the project was working very well last time...

  • To check it :
    • Place a tContextDump component on your job
    • Place a tLogRow component and plug it into the tContextDump component
    • Run the job to see the values received by the job.
  • To correct it :
    • Deactivate the job, by right clicking on one of the components then Deactivate whole subjob.
    • Run the job (to force a compilation)
    • Reactivate the job, by clicking again on this component then Activate whole subjob.
    • Test the job again to verify that this fixed the improperly loaded context.
Dernière modification le 11/06/2021 - Quillevere.net


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